Biden Makes Bad Remark in Rome Then Skips out on Important Photo – Opinion

Yesterday’s G20 meeting in Rome saw Joe Biden make a comment that, if it were President Donald Trump, would have attracted great media attention.

Biden made a reference to the “trains running on time” — a phrase that is associated with fascist former Italian leader Benito Mussolini — and Biden made the comment in Rome.

We don’t know how to determine if the media would have fallen for Trump.

Here’s what Bloomberg said in 2016.

“When you are trying to convince America that its new leader is not a fascist,” New York Magazine’s Margaret Hartmann and Chas Danner suggested recently, “it’s best not to make any Mussolini references.”

Too late. This advice was given to Ken Blackwell (former Cincinnati mayor) who is a part of Trump’s transition team. Blackwell just assured the Wall Street Journal that Reince Preibus, the RNC chair picked as White House chief of staff, would “utilize his personal connections with the speaker [Rep. Paul Ryan] and others, to make the trains run on time.”

They were trying to use anything they could to paint Trump as a fascist from the very beginning, even before he came in, not based on any reality, even when the comment wasn’t from Trump himself.

That comment from Preibus wasn’t made in Rome. How do the people in Rome think of that comment from Biden yesterday. But it’s Biden, so the media won’t even cover it at all. They’ll skip right around it and won’t make any fascist references, of course.

Most of the G20 leaders were then able to go to the Trevi Fountain to engage in the ritual of throwing a coin into the fountain. But guess what?

Biden where were you? As we can see, Biden was nearly missing in the group photo they took the first morning. It’s not clear how he ended up on the end of the photo, but as we said, not a good visual. That’s what they apparently think of him. Then he totally blows off yet another photo op. He walked up to the fountain. Did it get too much for him? He needed to take a break. Did he have too much to do with throwing all of our money and not enough to throw a few dollars his way? He definitely did have a hard time during the first meeting when he was 20 minutes late because he was “playing with elevators” and where he also appeared weak, pleading with Russia to pump more oil.

Now he’s off to Glasgow, Scotland for the climate change conference. It promises to be funny, considering how hypocritical and smug he was with the 85-car motorcade in Rome.

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