Bee Heist Stings, CNN+ Wings, and S.E. Cupp Swings (and Misses) – Opinion

Our weekly recognition of less-than-meritorious excellence in journalism is worthy of Pulitzer Prize consideration.

As an extension of the media-mocking venture at Townhall, Riffed From The Headlines, we once again recognize the exalted performances in our journalism industry and compile worthy submissions to the Pulitzer Prize board in numerous categories. We must recognize journalistic mistakes-excellence to be able to correctly identify them.


Specialized Explanatory Reporting

CNN+ is in decline and has been described as a mythical event. Brian Stelter called the launch of the streaming service the “most revolutionary in CNN history”. Its almost immediate demise would be considered the greatest media disaster of all time. Not so fast, says CNN’s yap-dog media analyst.

Not only is it easy to say a $300 million investment leading to just three weeks of service before being shut down is a failure, but after Brian’s comments, the announced, April 30 cutoff date was actually moved up, with the entire enterprise going dark on Thursday.


Distinguished Feature Writing

  • Kenneth Chang – New York Times

Ingenuity’s drone-copter was flying over Mars. It snapped a variety of pictures and captured one that is quite compelling. The Ingenuity found debris from its previous Perseverance mission. Chang, reported The New York Times, about the footage.

It looks like a crashed flying saucer on Mars. It is indeed. But it doesn’t belong to aliens. NASA is responsible for the destruction.

Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer pointed out to the author that he was working with supernal privilege. Change might have preferred a Ketanji Brown Jackson-type answer. “I’m not sure, I’m not an astrophysicist.”

Distinguished National Reporting

A journalist cannot resist weighing in with his hot-take opposition on Twitter to Elon Musk’s purchase. According to S.E. Cupp is demonstrating in this article that she thinks refraining ought to be more common. While she speculates on Mr. Musk’s plans for the future, Cupp is unaware of Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, in the Constitution. This content can be used by CNN+.


The Distinguished Explanatory Reporting

  • Philip Bump – Washington Post

Washington Post was a powerful source of emotions and information to give you a sense of how sensitive media are about Elon Musk encouraging open expression. Multiple times, the Washington Post owned by Jeff Bezos has decried Elon Musk’s purchase of media outlets. There’s also this bit of reporting by Mr. Bump who was assigned to debunk a Musk tweet.

Musk is represented as a stick figure that remains stationary while the left-leaning political extremists move further away in the graphic. Amusement comes from the newspaper becoming offended by a tweet they sent to their toothless Bump in an attempt to pursue Musk. More amusing is that Philip felt the need to fact-check what is essentially Musk’s evaluation of himself. Fine work, gang — Democracy Dies In A Meme.


Outstanding Local Reporting

Inside Edition just wanted this headline to be used in its report on a beekeeper that was suffering thefts at his apiary. Inside Edition was happy to report that the keeper had placed tracking devices in his hives, and was eventually able retrieve them from beebandits.


Distinguished Cultural Commentary

  • Cassie Gill – Hollywood Life

We can now put behind us the Will Smith-style slapping of Chris Rock during The Oscars. I do not know who might have been on the edge of their seats awaiting this announcement, but apparently, it is significant news to learn the comedian’s mother is ‘breaking her silence’ About the episode.


Distinguished Investigative Reporting

The Biden administration misinformation continues to be misinterpreted. Reuters has now provided a fact-check diversion. Reuters felt the need for a correction on Reuters’ video of Bill Gates. This clip shows Bill Gates walking around outside while apparently carrying a prosthetic hand. Reuters is here to save…well, I’m not sure whom, but do not be fooled, as the news outlet has verified this is a manipulated video.

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