Battered Biden Set to Roll out ‘Billionaire Minimum Income Tax’ With Obvious Eye on Midterms – Opinion

History demands that some presidents rise to historical heights.

Sometimes, presidents just keep the Ship of State in a straight line.

While there are some presidents who lack the ability to solve problems, others may only be so inept that they become irrelevant. They neither “fix” nor “break” anything.

Occasionally, a president is in so far over his head that everything he does or says — either purposely, inadvertently (or because he is Submitted by handlers what to do and say), or finally, due to a continuing decline of his mental acuity — becomes not only a danger to America but to the rest of the world, as well.

The disastrous, last four days in Europe have painted as stark an illustration of the third example I have seen in a president since Jimmy Carter — and not even the Peanut farmerJoe Biden came within reach.

How do I begin?

Speaking at NATO headquarters on Thursday, Biden admitted what the wise among us have known from the outset: sanctions don’t work as a deterrent.

“Let’s get something straight … I did not say that … sanctions would deter them. [They] never deter.”

Biden incorrectly told the 82nd Airborne that they were heading to Ukraine on Friday, in Poland.

You’re going to see when you’re there, you’re going to see women, young people standing in the middle, in the front of a damn tank saying ‘I’m not leaving.’

Biden saved his best efforts for the last. In Warsaw on Saturday, he called for Russia’s regime change. This was inarguably his most catastrophic faux pas and misstatements in his impressive, long history.

For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.

Terrified Bideneers —including SecState Antony Blinken — rushed to lie about what Biden To say.

As Biden settled into his seat on Air Force One to return to the U.S., I envision him cluelessly saying to himself, with a silly look of contentment on his Barney Fife face, “Well, that’s done.”

Yes, it’s “done,” Joe. Good job.

Monday, however, is a different day. Joe can now shift his focus back to the American economy and think about Monday. With an obvious eye on what will likely be a complete dumpster fire for the Democrat Party in the 2022 midterm elections, the White House on Monday will unveil the Democrats’ long-threatened “billionaire tax,” as reported by The Washington Post, according to an administration document obtained by WaPo.

The “Billionaire Minimum Income Tax” plan would establish a 20 percent minimum tax rate on all American households worth more than $100 million, according to the document and at least five people with knowledge of the plan.

Sources claim that billionaires would be the main beneficiaries of any new tax revenue. Yes, it will. Maybe at first — but even if so, Biden, like Obama before him, has long favored a minimum tax on wealthy Americans. That “fair share” thing, incessantly touted by Chicago JesusBarack Obama in allHis presidency.

The notion of a party that has never seen a tax hike it didn’t support, can never RobPeter is enough for sufficient Pay Paul (George Bernard Shaw), and has never seen a wealth redistribution scheme it didn’t embrace, anointing itself the arbiter of anybody’s “fair share” is laughable on its face.

Here’s more, via WaPo:

White House plans to tax billionaires at least 20 percent of their income.

Billionaires who pay a lower rate than the current rate will be required to pay the difference in taxes between the rate they currently pay and the 20% rate. Taxes on billionaires who have already paid more than 20% would not be due.

All taxes that were paid towards the minimum tax will count as part of what billionaires owe after they must pay capital gains taxes.

WaPo has transcribed the White House document as follows:

Billionaire Minimum Income tax will make sure that all income earners pay at least 20% in taxes. By imposing this minimum tax, the wealthy Americans would no longer be subject to a lower tax rate than firefighters or teachers.

Here’s the bottom line: This is a wealth tax. It’s that simple. Wealth taxes are generally unconstitutional, which is why “people familiar with the White House” plan are already rushing to lie about it. Via WaPo

This is an income-tax, which is constitutionally recognized under the 16th Amendment. Many income tax provisions apply tax prior to a realisation event. The tax on billionaires is no exception.

Nonsense. But given these crazy times, including crazy court decisions that go all the way up to and including the Supreme Court, we’ll see.

Interestingly, in a calculation by Gabriel Zucman (an economist at University of California Berkeley), Tesla CEO Elon Musk would be paid an extra $50 billion while Amazon founder Jeff Bezos will pay $35 billion. This is no doubt to send a message. 1.064th Native AmericanSocialist Rep. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass. Joyful, joyful squeals

Biden had left Ukraine, NATO and Russia in worse shape than they were five days earlier. You should return to the homeland and carry on the devastation.

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