Bad Theology, Dumb Stunt: Dem Lieu Misrepresents Christianity and LGBT

If you get your theology from leftwing politicians, you’re doing it wrong. Ted Lieu (Democratic Representative) took advantage of this occasion to demonstrate his complete lack of knowledge about Christianity in a speech on the house floor on June 8. 

The Republican recent actions to limit LGBT influence on kids and indoctrination were the subject of his speech. The left is not taking these measures well, it’s obvious. Many have denigrated traditional Christianity and subverted it by making their own theological claims regarding Jesus. These claims try to reduce Jesus Christ to a Bronze-age hippie preaching vague ideas of peace and love for all. 

Ted Lieu’s take is no different, but he attempts to hide it under an appeal to scripture, saying “I just thought I would recite for you what Jesus Christ said about homosexuality.” He was then silent for a moment before yielding the floor. Evidently, he is trying to make political points by claiming that Jesus and Christianity do not prohibit homosexual behavior.

It is false. This is a clear lie, by omission of Lieu. The Bible is understood by Christians to be the Word of God. Jesus is God by virtue of the holy trinity which the vast majority of Christians believe in. The Bible, which is the Word of God mentions homosexuality numerous times to show its sinful nature. Because of his ignorance of God’s teachings and of Christianity, Lieu has misrepresented Christianity. 

Of course, it’s what you’d expect from the party that booed God.

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