The Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon and the most popular podcast host, Joe Rogan, discussed abortion on a recent episode of “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast.
.@joerogan and @SethDillonGet to the heart of the abortion debate.
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) August 17, 2022
Rogan has made it clear that he is 100 percent for a woman’s right to choose. Rogan stated to Dillon:
“There are women who have been raped who should not have to f–king carry some rapist’s baby … There’s women who have been sexually assaulted before the age of 14.”
Dillon responded by making his position clear:
“There are people who have been born of rape and are alive right now, and are pro-life. They go around speaking and say how, ‘I had a right to live.’ They will go around and make a case, and they were born of a rape.”
Rogan stated that he disagreed with Dillon.
“You don’t have the right to tell my 14-year-old daughter she has to carry her rapist’s baby. Are you sure? That’s a 14-year-old child. A 14-year-old child gets raped, you say that they have to carry that baby?”
Dillon replied, “
“I don’t think two wrongs make a right … I don’t think that murder is the answer to … I don’t think murder fixes a rape.”
The argument for pro-life has been the same since its inception. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Anyone who raped anyone should be punished. The rapist must be held in prison, served their sentence, and should not be allowed to leave the jail before their term ends.
Rogan asked Dillon what he thinks about early abortions at “four weeks, six weeks” when a woman discovers she is pregnant. “What if she just turned positive?” Rogan asked.
Dillon answered:
“Well, I just disagree that you can draw a line on when. Once life has begun, I don’t think you draw lines … I would lay it out like this, I would say: it is wrong to intentionally kill an innocent human life. Intentionally killing innocent lives is abortion. Therefore, abortion is wrong.”
Dillon stated that he had doubled down and said:
“When we start talking about harmful misinformation … what about calling that baby a clump of cells? I think that’s harmful misinformation. Because then you’re encouraging people to kill it like it’s nothing when it’s actually a human life.”
“I think abortion is healthcare the way that rape is lovemaking … If we want to use rape as an example. I think they’re opposites. We use these euphemisms. It’s like, we use the word healthcare. We’re talking about a procedure that ends an innocent human life, and we’re calling it healthcare? That’s why it’s like calling rape lovemaking.”
Rogan’s response:
“And that’s why it’s such a human issue, because I see what you’re saying.”
The debate was lively, but respectful for most of the time. More of such debates and discussions are needed.