Assault Knives? Fatal Stabbings Surge in Crime-Infested New York City – Opinion

We’ve heard it many times. Evil doesn’t follow laws.

Evil people intentionEvil things are likely to be done. DoEvil things can be done by all means. In the case of violent crime-riddled New York City, that evil now includes a “whopping surge” in stabbing deaths.

Move over, “assault rifles,” a new “weapon of war” has hit the bloody streets of NYC: assault knives. 

According to The New York Post’s latest statistics, fatal stabbings in New York City are increasing. This is due to a surge in major crimes across the city. Data from the NYPD released Monday revealed a 36% rise in major crime. The data shows that fatal stabbings have increased by 43 percent from August 7, compared to 2021.

The Post was told by an unidentified New York police officer what ought to be obvious for all rational people.

People aren’t afraid to carry guns, so obviously they are not worried [about carrying] knives. Additionally, it’s much simpler to grab a knife.

Another bit of logic was added by a Staten Island cop:

If you get caught carrying a knife – even a machete – you just get a DAT [desk appearance ticket]. This is considered a serious offense. There is no human life worth it.

Add another demoralized cop:

They’re letting bad guys go home. There’s zero consequences for their actions.

Eric Adams, the embattled and self-aggrandizing NYC mayor, was unavailable to comment. Bill de Blasio was a former clueless mayor.

New York City, despite its growing violence crime rate, isn’t the Lone Ranger. From the bloody streets of Chicago’s Southside to Baltimore, St. Louis, Cleveland, Detroit, and on, violent crime and total disregard for the value of human life have rendered parts of once-great cities veritable war zones.

In every case? Democrat city governments, most of them corrupt, and left-wing nutjobs like Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón, who remains hellbent on releasing from incarceration as many murderers and other violent criminals as he can get away with — victims be damned — are principally to blame. How the hell are these left-wing extremists? Think about what is happening Their deliberate failure to ensure the safety of citizens in their respective cities is what led them to be arrested. What is the dirty little secret? They do.

The Post notes that Grand Larceny has increased in NYC by 48.3 Percent, Auto Theft is up 42%, Robbery has jumped 39%, Robbery has risen 39.8 Percent, Rapes rose 10% and Felons are up 19.5 per cent.

Joseph Giacalone, a retired NYPD sergeant and adjunct professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in Manhattan, summed it up — bottom line.

We’ve probably lost two decades-worth of crime reductions, and that’s the real shame. The Police Department has lost all the hard work they have done over many years.

Democrat songs remain the same.

Bottom line

One of the most obscene, inexcusable aspects of out-of-control murder and other violent crimes in America’s once-proud cities remains the relative lack of response by Democrat lawmakers and city officials to crimes that don’t fit their narrative. Weekend after weekend, the streets of Chicago’s Southside run red with blood. Where’s Joe Biden? Kamala Harris Nancy Pelosi

What is it? Barack ObamaWho Lived and workedOn the Southside Barack Obama, the same Barack Obama that exploited every mass shooting he found?

You can hear the crickets.

But a “mass shooting,” in which a homicidal madman uses an AR-15-style rifle? It’s all chaos. Every single one of these tragedies is being exploited, and Democrats rush to take advantage of them all. Many times using children as props. Why? Let’s get it all together:

Because the gun-grabbing left ridiculously exploits a “scary-looking” rifle that is hardly a “weapon of war,” solely for the purpose of further chipping away at the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Can “assault knives” and “knife-grabbers” be far behind? Don’t count on it.

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