Arizona AG Denounces ‘Angry Mob’ for Vandalizing Police Memorial in Phoenix Capitol Riot – Opinion

Late on Friday night, RedState reported that police in Arizona’s state capital were forced to declare a protest at the Capitol building in downtown Phoenix “an unlawful assembly” after pro-abortion protesters, angered by the Supreme Court’s ruling striking down the basis for Roe V. WadeIt became violent.

Later, on Saturday my colleague Bonchie shared more details. Bonchie described one state senator feeling like a hostage while being trapped in the building. Then law enforcement was unable to expel the rioters except with tear gas.

Now, local TV station KTVK/KPHO is reporting on what happened next, which is so reminiscent of the “mostly peaceful” protests we saw in the wake of the death of George Floyd in 2020. You may recall how activists from radical Black Lives Matter would daub graffiti everywhere and damage historical monuments.

As RedState’s Nick Arama wrote:

This is just the latest entry from the “rip down our history crowd.” They’ve also defaced or pulled down Abraham Lincoln, a World War II veterans monument, even a monument to black civil war veterans.

It appears the “ripdown our history crowd” has struck again, this time in downtown Phoenix.


The Arizona Department of Public Safety has responded after Friday night’s pro-choice protest at the state capitol building in downtown Phoenix. Approximately 7,000 to 8,000 people were in attendance, according to the department’s count.

The law enforcement states that the protestors received numerous warnings from police that they were trespassing on property and that they were organizing an illegal gathering.

The area was cleared by troops who used tear gas and field force teams to remove the protestors.

This outlet shared the following list:

These memorials are allegedly being defaced and vandalized by protestors

Wesley Bolin Memorial Amphitheatre
158th Regimental Memorial
Arizona Peace Officers Memorial
Korean War Memorial
Arizona Law Enforcement Canine Memorial
Operation Enduring Freedom Memorial
Memorial to Lt. Frank Luke Jr.

But in a new tweet on Saturday, Arizona’s top law enforcement official, Republican Attorney General Mark Brnovich denounced the defacing of one memorial in particular: the Arizona Peace Officers Memorial, and shared photos of its desecration:

Brnovich wrote:

A mob of angry people defaced Arizona’s Peace Officers Memorial after they were dispersed from State Capitol. This wasn’t a peaceful or lawful protest.

This criminal attempt to discredit our institutions or intimidate our officials must be stopped.

This memorial is meant to be a tribute to law enforcement officers who died in the line-of duty.

Now, correct me if my memory is faulty here, but didn’t President Joe Biden just speak during a Peace Officers memorial event in May, right after the Buffalo grocery store mass shooting? Yes, he did. But will we hear a speech from Biden in the coming days echoing AG Brnovich’s statement– that “we must never tolerate” this kind of criminal behavior that dishonors the fallen? Don’t hold your breath. As readers know by now, that kind of rhetoric is reserved for pushing progressive agenda items like stricter gun control laws, keeping the “right” to kill babies up to the time of birth, and tracking down parents who attend school board meetings but just might be domestic terrorists or white supremacists in disguise.

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