Stacey Abrams is a favorite of the Associated Press like many Democrats. There’s a piece on her happy news in her most recent financial disclosures.
From Atlanta, reporter Jeff Amy began: “When Democrat Stacey Abrams first ran for Georgia governor in 2018, her lackluster personal finances and a hefty bill from the IRS gave Republicans fodder to question how she could manage a state budget when she struggled with her own debts. As she launches a second bid this year, that’s no longer an issue.”
Her new net worth is $3.17million.
Her meteoric rise into the millionaire category coincides well with her success in national politics. Abrams is a leader in voting rights activism since her defeat to Republican Brian Kemp. She was considered as a potential running mate to President Joe Biden and is widely credited with organizing voters in Georgia to help him become the first Democrat to carry the state in the presidential vote in 28 years. She was also involved in other projects. She has $6 Million in earningsMajority of the revenue comes from $5 million in speeches and books payments.
Amazon shows that Abrams co-authored a business guide and has several novels. Some of these were originally published under the pen name, “Selena Montgomery.” The Republicans now plan to label her rich and outof touch with the average person.
Garrison Douglas, a spokesperson for the national Republican Party, accused Abrams of using her campaign “as a platform for her own financial gain.” During a rally in the state last month, former President Donald Trump knocked her for “living in these gorgeous multi-multi-million-dollar houses.”
Abrams hasn’t purchased a home for a price tag exceeding $1 million, and Trump spends much of his year living at his lavish Mar-a-Lago resort. The leading Republicans seeking the nomination for governor — incumbent Brian Kemp and challenger David Perdue — are far wealthier than she is.
This all shows that admiration for liberal media, and Democrat social networks can result in people buying her merch.
Abrams, in an interview, stated that Republicans were wrong to critique her financial success. The party praises hard work as the reason for it.
“It is remarkable to me that success is now being demonized by the Republicans,” she said. “I believe in success. Every person should be able to succeed. And because I had three years where I was in the private sector, I leveraged all three years, and in that time, I’ve done my best to not only be successful personally, but to do what I can to help Georgians.”
A lot of politicians become wealthy after reaching high office. That’s not the case for Abrams, whose loss vaulted her to a level of celebrity unusual for someone whose highest office so far is minority leader of the Georgia House of Representatives. Her income spiked to $3.65million as she capitalized on her 2021 status before she announced her second run for governor.
This included 37 speeches paid for in 2021. AP doesn’t mention her Star TrekCameo as the “President for United Earth.” Celebrity is a great investment. “Hard work”? Well, speech-making isn’t ditch-digging.