“Sure, it’s been a mixed reaction, but it got the country talking about the GOP’s undeniable war on women.”
With states continuing to restrict abortions despite her #SexStrike protest, Alyssa Milano became so furious that she destroyed her own property, she admitted on Twitter Wednesday.
“I just threw my phone across the room. Cracked the screen. Read this. Please,” Milano tweeted, linking to CBS News story about an 11-year-old girl who couldn’t get an abortion because of Ohio’s “heartbeat bill.”
I just threw my phone across the room. Cracked the screen. Read this. Please. https://t.co/tNfU1s0vbi
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 15, 2019
Several commenters expressed sympathy for Milano, a 46-year-old actress and feminist activist, revealing that they too, had damaged their devices in frustration.
“Just dropped mine for the same reason. Off to replace it tomorrow. A simple resolution for my issue in comparison to this 11 year old childs’,” one Twitter user wrote, referring to the young rape victim in the CBS story. “There r no words. Keep up the fight and faith Alyssa.”
“Heartbeat bills,” which prohibit most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, have passed in four states this year, and Alabama lawmakers on Tuesday voted to effectively outlaw the procedure entirely. Gov. Kay Ivey, a Republican, was expected to sign the legislation.
Although none of the laws have gone into effect amid legal challenges, pro-choice advocates fear they will push the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, a landmark 1972 ruling enshrining the right to abortion.
In protest of the legislative trend, Milano last week spearheaded a #SexStrike that she declared would deny men sex “until we get bodily autonomy back.”
The campaign has been widely derided on both the left and right. Conservatives have mockingly applauded Milano for promoting the pro-life teaching of “abstinence first,” even as some have expressed pity for her husband.
Meanwhile, feminists – including a woman who suggested she’d divorced her husband for being a supporter of President Donald Trump – criticized the #SexStrike as a setback to women’s sexual liberation. LGBT types complained that they had been excluded.
However, Milano has remained defiant. In an op-ed for CNN Monday, which Milano wrote with fellow activist Waleisah Wilson, she said the failed campaign had “sparked a powerful response.”
“Sure, it’s been a mixed reaction, but it got the country talking about the GOP’s undeniable war on women,” she said. “And let’s face it, with so much going on every day in the news, sometimes we need an extreme response to get national attention.”
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