Adam Carolla Floats a Theory That May Explain Eric Garcetti’s Unmasking – Opinion

Adam Carolla might have discovered a medical miracle.

You’ve no doubt seen photos and videos of maskless celebrities attending Super Bowl LVI.

Unsurprisingly, not all entertainment notables who’ve virtue signaled over face-covering are concerned with actually doing it.

But they aren’t the only performers donning a mask of make-believe — elected officials enjoy acting, too.

RedState’s Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar reported that in January both California Governor. Gavin Newsom was joined by Eric Garcetti, Los Angeles Mayor. They proudly displayed their punims during the LA Rams / San Francisco 49ers game.

After the incident, Eric became a bit breathless.

“I’ll take personal responsibility, and if it makes you and everybody else happy — or even the photographs with people where I’m literally holding my breath for two seconds — I won’t even do that.”

Eric must’ve had a change of heart — or, per comedian Adam Carolla, something that rhymes with that word. But we’ll get to that in a minute.

Eric was all smiles on Sunday as he walked the Super Bowl.

He was he in fact full of hot water? For how much time?

Carolla’s come up with an idea. On social media, he shared his idea:

If Adam’s right, of course, there’s a hole new reason to respect Garcetti.

Shakespeare observed that “the world is but a stage.”

And for nearly two years, we’ve watched theater…while stuck in a Comedy of Errors.

We’ve been told a virus will defeat us unless we’re masked. At the same time, evidently, we’re beyond its reach so long as the waitress brings us bread. Apparently, if that’s the case, victory is ours.

Meanwhile, we have to get vaxxed to “protect others” — though no one has explained how it affects anyone but ourselves.

The Powers That Be have announced an arena of vaccinated fans is safer than one filled with the unvaxxed — even though inoculated Americans can contract the virus and transmit it. And they carry the same viral load as those who’ve not been needled.

We’ve watched as news crews have removed their masks when out of frame and congresspeople have discarded their covers when cameras were conked. The leaders of the state and city have been uncooperative and have eaten dishonestly while partying without apology.

The ruling class was forced to wear face-wraps in the interim.

Back to Mayor Eric Garcetti, if Adam’s correct, perhaps all of our betters possess the same ability. Or maybe it’s imparted when people enter office.

Carolla’s been known to be on the money before. They are.Do call them “face diapers.”

So just to be safe, if you find yourself in an elevator with the mayor and he sneezes — or, worse, sighs…make like him at a football game. Hold your breath.



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