ABSURD! Biased Twitter Gives Congress Big Tech Overhaul Suggestions

Twitter published suggestions to policymakers on how Big Tech can be regulated. The platform is known for its extreme biases. At least one of Twitter’s suggestions also sounds suspiciously like, “We need more censorship.”

Twitter published a 10-page document with five main suggestions. “Content moderation is more than just leave up or take down. Regulation should allow for a range of interventions, while setting clear definitions for categories of content,” is the last of its “guiding principles for regulation.” Adding interventions may be the opposite of productive, considering that Twitter has a history of biased censorship. PC Magazine criticized this suggestion as “a request to avoid too-specific regulation about how social platforms enforce their terms of service.” PC Magazine further suggested that Twitter is trying to steer legislators away from regulation more suited to “Facebook’s template.”

Twitter also warned against too much regulation in a later suggestion, specifically contradicting Congress’s proposed solution to Big Tech problems. Yet, Twitter earned an F in MRC Free Speech America’s Big Tech Report Card for the first and second quarters of 2021 for online freedom.

“The Open Internet is global, should be available to all, and should be built on open standards and the protection of human rights,” was Twitter’s first suggestion. PC Magazine reports that previously, Twitter was blocked by governments. “Trust is essential and can be built with transparency, procedural fairness, and privacy protections,” was the company’s second suggestion. This suggestion seems to align with some of “whistleblower” Frances Haugen’sFacebook critics. Haugen is connected to many leftist causes and individuals.

“Recommendation and ranking algorithms should be subject to human choice and control,” is Twitter’s third point. Leftist activist Haugen also called for “human-controlled” social media versus “amplification” algorithms.  Twitter CEO Jack DorseyIn an Oct. 2020 Senate hearing, he reportedly supported user choice for third-party algorithms. However, legislators are planning to regulate algorithms rather than just content.

“Competition, choice, and innovation are foundations of the Open Internet and should be protected and expanded, ensuring incumbents are not entrenched by laws and regulations,” was the fourth Twitter suggestion. Congress however has proposed regulation, which is in direct contradiction to what Twitter suggested. “There’s a risk that some regulatory interventions will undermine competition and entrench incumbent services, reducing consumer choice,” Twitter warned.

Twitter is known for its biases. Twitter announced in August a partnership to expand censorship. Twitter also banned Citizens for Renewing America’s anti-critical-race theory account in June. MRC Free Speech America in January reported that Donald Trump’s tweets had been censored 625 time since May 31, 2018, but Joe Biden was uncensored.

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