A Three-Time Kidney Recipient Creates Care Packages for Other Patients – Opinion

In Oskaloosa (Iowa), a man who was the recipient of three transplants for his kidneys chose to express his gratitude by sending care packages to people in need.

The local KCCI News published Shane Blanchard’s unusual search for a donor kidney in July 2021.

Shane Blanchard must have a live kidney donor. That’s because his antibodies are so high from multiple blood transfusions.

He’s facing an upward battle trying to find a match. Blanchard’s blood type is AB+, which means he can accept anyone’s blood or organs. That’s the easy part.

According to him, the hardest part of finding the right person is finding the one who meets all the requirements. He’s using social media to get the word out, while finding his calling in life, advocating for others in need of a donor.

Blanchard states that it is important to have a positive outlook and support from family members in order to survive kidney failure.

Blanchard rightly points out the importance of having strong family support. It is difficult to deal with the health problem of kidney disease. This has happened to me. In 2001, my mom was still on dialysis. She suffered from Alzheimer’s, but it was ultimately the renal failure that did her in. One of my closest friend’s brother was in kidney failure, and it was years of dialysis, waiting, and praying before a donor was found. One of my nephews was diagnosed with the disease and died in March. So, Shane Blanchard’s exceptionally positive attitude, his determination to live, as well as his drive to pay it forward to others who are experiencing what he experienced, is worth a Feel-Good Friday story.

In 2022, Blanchard’s social media search resulted in him finding a cousin who was willing to donate his kidney. Blanchard felt compelled to give back to others who were waiting for their miraculous gift of life.

Shane Blanchard was inspired by his experience with three transplants of kidneys.

Blanchard, along with his colleagues, packed care packages Monday to be delivered to dialysis centres later in the week.

Blanchard stated that he was lost when he received his diagnosis. Now, Blanchard wants to help others who are going through similar health challenges.

“It’s really to help those on Dialysis just to make time go by a little smoother and to help them be a little more comfortable. And there’s a little bit of educational material that’s a part of this as well,” Blanchard said.


Blanchard doesn’t plan on stopping here. Blanchard created Midwest Kidney Warriors, which is a non-profit that advocates for kidney patients and helps them find potential donors.

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