A Potent Midterm Strategy: Walk Forward Better

It’s an old Washington political trick. When you’re in trouble, change the subject.

When President Biden’s poll numbers are low and falling, when the economy has produced the worst inflation in four decades and gas prices in some states have reached record highs, when he claims we should expect food shortages and produces gaffes instead of gas and then refuses to walk them back, even after aides have tried to correct him, change the subject. Biden’s troubles are compounded when he denies walking back any of his statements and tries to explain he didn’t mean what he said.

The president tries to convince us that the economy is at its best in years, but we already know better. We should not focus on bad things, he tells us, but look to his budget proposal for fiscal 2023, which he claims will lower the deficit and do all sorts of things for us, while imposing a wealth tax on those evil “billionaires” who just haven’t been paying their “fair share.” It’s a line Democrats have used for decades without defining fair share.

 Wall Street Journal editorial gets it right: “The fiscal 2023 budget (Biden) unveiled Monday re-proposes most of the bad ideas that haven’t passed Congress and adds a new one – a tax on wealth that he refused to endorse as a candidate in 2020. On the economy, he’s pivoting further to the left, presumably to fire up sullen progressives in November.”

This budget is a monstrosity. The president wants to make sure that money goes to lawyers who will help undocumented immigrants get in the country. It is something he proposed a year ago but couldn’t get through Congress along with the rest of his “Build Back Better” legislation. Take a second to consider this. He took an oath as to protect the Constitution and laws. Now, he wants to hire attorneys and pay them using our tax dollars. This will allow people who are in violation of those laws to remain in America and get other benefits that taxpayers also fund. This makes sense. It is hoped that none of this will be passed Congress. If Republicans win the November election, many of these ideas for spending will not see the light again.

Two Gallup polls show the depth of the President’s hole. Gallup shows that he is at his lowest point in the presidency. 40% for the job he’s doing on foreign policy. Overall, his approval rating stands at 41%. An admirable thing about his failures in foreign and domestic policies? An NBC News poll found “7 in 10 Americans expressed low confidence in President Joe Biden’s ability to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine …and 8 in 10 voiced worry that the war will increase gas prices and possibly involve nuclear weapons.”

Those impressions are unlikely to be reversed before the election, especially since it seems the left is looking to use high gas prices to drive us into electric vehicles, whose average cost is $40,000, a price most people can’t afford.

Biden’s gaffes don’t help. Cameras showed Biden reading notes from note cards Monday to answer questions that his staff believed would be asked of reporters. This was a tactic the ex-president used often to draw criticism.

Now it is up to the Republicans. Not only should they point out the apparent failures of President Biden’s presidency but also suggest solutions that reverse disastrous foreign or domestic policies. Maybe they could call it “walk forward better.”

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