A Homeowner Becomes His Own Best Self-Defense – Opinion

In previous articles, I said that there would be more stories about good men with guns, especially since Democrat-run Leftist municipalities continue to double down on their stupidity by maligning police and defunding them. This allows activist district attorneys the freedom to spin at windmills while crime is unchecked.

We are now living in the new normal. Citizens will be armed and ready for defense. California is going to be the hub of all these stories, now and in the future. The Norco liquor store owner was one of the first California stories reported, and now that the George Gascón Recall went down in flames due to incompetence and malfeasance (NotThe will of voters), and we’re going to hear more.

It is no longer possible to rely upon the police or the criminal justice systems for protection. People are now taking responsibility and acting accordingly.

Take Friday’s example from KTLA News.

According to police, a homeowner fatally shot and killed an alleged attacker outside his Lincoln Heights home in Los Angeles.

Officers responded to the area of E. Avenue 28 around 9:40 p.m. on a report of “shots fired” during a home invasion.

KTLA 5 was told by authorities that the suspect entered the homeowner’s front yard and approached the victim. He then walked onto the property of the victim, and he charged him with a knife. Police said that the homeowner opened fire on the suspect and he fled about a quarter mile before collapsing.

The homeowner did not sustain any injuries and the family members who were present at the scene were also unharmed.

This is a win-win situation. According to the report, there may be a question on whether the homeowner knew the alleged attacker, or whether it was “a clear case of self-defense.”

It is obvious that a criminal has been taken off the streets and a family is safe. Los Angeles County is taking notice, and many of them are now packing heat.

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