A Big Electoral Shift Shows That Democrats Have Overplayed Their Hand Going Into 2022 – Opinion

Over the past several months, Democrats are not seeing much good news. That continued today with the release of the RNCC’s latest round of polling. The generic ballot is a crucial measure in the coming 2022 election cycle. This marks the first time that Republicans have led on this cycle’s polling.

Those numbers follow the trend we’ve seen from other polls which show that Republicans are closing the gap. To be clear, it doesn’t necessarily have to lead in the generic vote on election day for the GOP to win the House. Given the dynamic at work, even a deficit of 3-4 points is likely to be enough to win the majority. But if they do manage to actually win the “popular” vote when it comes to Congress in 2022, that will result in the red wave some are predicting.

Virginia’s election will also be a major test of the electorate. While Virginia leans more blue than the rest of the country, Glenn Youngkin’s ability to gain substantial ground in comparison with the 2020 results would indicate that Democrats have a serious problem. Current polls show the race to be tied. However, it is not unusual for the non-incumbent party to do better among late-breaking voters. And if Republicans somehow win that race, it’s five-alarm territory for the left.

This tells me one thing: Democrats played too safe

Many voters who voted in Joe Biden believed that he would just maintain the status-quo and promote normalcy. The president has done the opposite of that, whether we are talking about his senility or his “build back better” agenda. It’d be fair to call them gullible because they were in 2020, but a lot of moderate voters who bought into Biden’s false narrative did not sign up for what he’s now delivering.

You can easily see how the wheels are turning when you add that to the insaneness of Congress’ progressives. People are much more concerned about inflation than “climate change” hysteria. They care far more about the border crisis than feeding Biden’s choo-choo addiction. The Democrats have chosen to focus on and push issues that further the country’s issues while ignoring the things that are truly hurting middle-class Americans. That’s a recipe for disaster, and there’s no sign of the Democrat Party changing course.

To end, I’d posit that it can’t change course, though. Do you think Bernie Sanders or Pramila Jayapal, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, or any other far-left progressive is going to support pulling back? That’s just not going to happen, and this is a lesson in why unworkable coalitions always eventually fail.

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