8 Vehicle Collision Facts In Florida You Should Be Aware of

A vehicle collision is when two vehicles come into contact with each other. This can happen when one car rear-ends another, side-swipes another, or hits another head-on. Crashes can also occur when two vehicles collide while trying to avoid an obstacle on the road. No matter how a collision happens, it can be a harrowing experience for those involved. Vehicle collisions often result in property damage, injuries, and even fatalities.

That is why it is so important for drivers to exercise caution and know what to do after a car accident. By being alert and aware of potential dangers, drivers can help to prevent collisions from happening in the first place. Florida has had many crashes that most people don’t talk about. As anyone in Florida knows, the state is notorious for its large number of car accidents. Here are eight facts about vehicle collisions in Florida.

Crashes in 2016

Florida is sadly no stranger to car crashes. In 2016, a total of 253,691 crashes were reported throughout the state. Of these, 2,598 were fatal, and another 100,825 resulted in injuries. Unfortunately, these numbers have been on the rise in recent years as the population of Florida continues to grow. With more people on the roads, the chances of an accident also increase. In addition, Florida’s large number of tourist attractions can make its roads quite congested during peak season. The good news is that there are steps that Floridians can take to help reduce the number of car crashes. By obeying the speed limit, staying alert, and refraining from distractions like texting while driving, we can all do our part to make our roads safe for everyone.


Speeding is a significant factor in many car crashes. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, speed is involved in about 60% of all fatal crashes in Florida. That’s why it’s so important to obey the posted speed limit and drive at a safe speed for the conditions. When you’re speeding, you’re more likely to lose control of your vehicle, have a longer stopping distance, and be less likely to see potential hazards. All of these factors can lead to severe accidents. And even if you don’t cause an accident, you’re still more likely to get a ticket or be involved in a collision while speeding. 

Fatal Crashes in Urban Roads

Most of these urban crashes involved cars colliding with other vehicles, followed by single-vehicle crashes and motorcycle crashes. Urban crashes were also more likely to involve alcohol than rural crashes. Pedestrians were also more likely to be hit by a vehicle in an urban area than in a rural area. This may be due to the higher density of traffic in urban areas and the fact that urban roads are often more complex than rural roads, with multiple lanes, turnoffs, and intersections. As Florida’s population grows, the number of fatal crashes on urban roads will likely increase. 

Deadliest Day in Florida

In 2017, Saturdays were the deadliest days for car crashes in Florida. More people were killed in car crashes on Saturdays than any other day of the week. The reasons for this are not fully understood, but some theories exist. One approach is that people are more likely to drive on weekends when they have free time. Another view is that people are more likely to drive on weekends when roads are busier. Whatever the reason, Saturday is the deadliest day for car crashes in Florida. If you plan to travel on Florida roads this weekend, drive safely and watch out for other drivers.

Rear-End Collisions

Rear-end collisions are among the most common types of car accidents. In Florida, rear-end collisions account for nearly 40% of all vehicle crashes. This is likely due to several factors, including distracted driving and poor road conditions. Rear-end collisions often occur when a driver is following another car too closely. If the lead car suddenly slows down or stops, the next car may not have enough time to react, resulting in a collision. Distracted driving, such as texting or talking on the phone, can also contribute to rear-end collisions. When drivers take their eyes off the road, they are more likely to miss changes in traffic conditions, leading to a crash.

Head-On Collisions

A head-on collision is one of the most serious types of car accidents. These accidents often occur at high speeds and can result in severe injuries or even death. Head-on collisions are hazardous because the crash’s impact is direct, meaning there is no time for the car to slow down or for the occupants to brace themselves. In addition, head-on collisions often involve multiple vehicles, increasing the accident’s severity. Head-on collisions are relatively rare, but they occur more frequently in Florida than in any other state. This is likely due to the high number of tourist attractions in Florida, as well as a large number of retirement communities.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a dangerous roadway behavior and is a significant factor in many crashes. When drivers take their eyes off the road, their hands off the wheel, and their mind off driving, they increase their risk of being involved in a crash. Drivers need to be aware of the dangers of distracted driving and choose to drive distraction-free. When behind the wheel, give your full attention to the task at hand driving, and arrive alive.

Driving Under The Influence

Driving under the influence is a serious offense in the state of Florida. If caught driving with a blood alcohol level above the legal limit, you can face severe penalties, including jail time, fines, and a driver’s license suspension. In addition, you may be required to complete an alcohol education or treatment program. If you cause an accident while driving under the influence, you can be charged with vehicular manslaughter. 

The best way to avoid these penalties is to never drive after drinking. If you must drive, designate a sober driver before leaving your house. If you see someone on the road who appears to be driving under the influence, do not hesitate to contact law enforcement. Driving under the influence is dangerous and puts yourself and others at risk. Never take chances when it comes to getting behind the wheel after drinking.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few facts about vehicle collisions in Florida. By being aware of the dangers on the road, drivers can help to prevent accidents from happening. It is essential to know what to do after a car accident. Suppose you have been involved in a car accident. In that case, it is important to seek medical attention and consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who can help you protect your rights.

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