5 Self-Care Tips for Getting High

Despite growing acceptance of cannabis as an important medicinal plant, people who use marijuana still run into unkind stereotypes from time to time. Those with a negative perception of cannabis may label it as a substance that is used to run away from life’s problems, when, in fact, it has become a key component of many people’s self-care routines. Here are five tips to help you practice self-care while enjoying all marijuana has to offer. 

Treat Yourself With High-Quality Cannabis

Thanks to the legalization of recreational marijuana in many states, entrepreneurs have finally been allowed to innovate when it comes to weed. If you live in a state where you can shop at top-tier dispensaries, consider treating yourself with something you haven’t tried before. Whether it’s an exclusive CBD oil or premium cannabis concentrates, there are more options than ever before. 

Stock Your Pantry With Healthy Munchies

While you might be worried about indulging in too many calories, it’s always important to stay hydrated and eat well when you’re getting high. To keep it healthy, you can swap out any sodas or juices in your fridge for sparkling or plain water, and shop for snacks before you need them. Choose alternatives to junk food, such as veggie chips, dried fruit, and hummus, to avoid excess sugars and processed fats. 

Start Writing in a Journal

Keeping a journal has many mental health benefits. It can help you deal with stress and motivate you to keep a positive outlook on life. If you are brand new to journaling, start with the basics. You can write down three things you are grateful for every day and grow your journaling habit from there. 

Discover the Outdoors 

Using cannabis can sometimes feel like an activity you have to do indoors, but just because you get high inside doesn’t mean you have to stay inside. Connecting with nature is an important part of self-care. Hike in the woods with friends or go for a walk in a tree-filled park to get your dose of forest bathing. Seriously, it’s a real thing!

Try a New Recipe 

Not everyone is a whiz in the kitchen, but learning how to make something delicious is a life skill. Whether you want to impress your significant other or bake a batch of yummy edibles for your friends, cooking is a great addition to any self-care routine. Don’t go overboard on your first attempt. Even making brownies from a box is still an accomplishment, and you’ll have fun while you’re at it. 

It’s easy to lose track of the days when you’re slammed with work or hustling one or more side jobs. Overwork can cause burnout, and it can have serious consequences, such as heightened anxiety, low motivation, and mental distress. We all deserve a chance to slow down and recharge our batteries, but self-care is more than just ordering take-out and binging shows. With a few small changes, your self-care routine will leave you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world. 

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