After a long week (or month!) at work, even the most optimistic of us can sometimes struggle to find the strength to peel ourselves off the couch. When you’re experiencing motivational burnout, one of the best things you can do to get yourself back on track is to engage with inspirational content. What is inspirational content? Anything that makes you smile, laugh or simply… THINK.
One of our favourite sources for inspiration is interviews from well-known wellness experts and celebrities. Below, we’ve rounded up a list of four moving interviews filled with life and work tips to reinvigorate you for the new week.
1) Aaravindha Himadra
Looking for a dose of inspiration to start your morning off right? Check out this Aaravindha Himadra interview. In it, Himadra, founder of spiritual consciousness organisation, Sambodha Inc, sits down with Ideamensch to discuss his remarkable philosophy for life and share a few of his key learnings. Specifically, he details the method he used to grow his dream into a thriving business and explains how intuition can be an entrepreneur’s best friend.
At its heart, Aaravindha Himadra’s core message for readers is that life is for living and you mustn’t let fear and procrastination govern your choices. A great read when work and responsibility has you feeling flat.
2) Elon Musk
People are often curious to know what makes Elon Musk tick and rightly so – you don’t become a billionaire CEO of SpaceX and Tesla by living an ordinary life. In this interview with BusinessInsider, Musk shares a few of his best habits, such as setting aside a few minutes each day to read a novel. This eccentric entrepreneur is also known for sleeping just six hours a night and choking down his lunch in five minutes flat.
A key takeaway from this article is Elon Musk’s batching strategy. This involves breaking up your time into five-minute slots to maximise efficiency. Using this method, you can theoretically complete 12 different tasks in an hour. This method, reportedly also used by Bill Gates, is perfect for encouraging yourself to tackle those little tasks you’ve been putting off throughout the week.
3) Marie Kondo
Tidying up and organisational queen, Marie Kondo, gave an interview to Harvest Business Review in 2020 discussing her monumental new-found fame and her tips for living a more streamlined life. Kondo explains that no one is ‘hopeless’ when it comes to home organisation; some people simply have not been taught how to tidy up. Kondo goes on to explain that internal motivation is key and tidying up your work or living space can have the unexpected consequence of also clearing your mind. The wise organiser finishes by acknowledging that her catchphrase, ‘does it spark joy’, can be used to clean your mental space as well as your physical one, noting that clients often find themselves asking this question to determine whether a relationship or career is uplifting or stifling them.
The message you can take from Kondo’s interview is that introspection and clarity are key to living a happy life. Once you’ve clearly defined your life or work goals, you can better evaluate which paths are taking you towards this desired outcome and sweep negative influences from your space.
4) Oprah Winfrey
At the 2018 Golden Globes’, Beloved American talk-show host and philanthropist Oprah Winfrey accepted her lifetime achievement award with a stirring speech. The billionaire social activist used her platform to highlight inequalities around race and gender, delivering a moving tribute to Rosa Parks and Recy Taylor, two women severely disadvantaged by racial prejudice. Oprah went on to explain that her goal through her talk show and other mediums is to shine a light on the human condition, including “how we experience shame, how we love and how we rage, how we fail, how we retreat, persevere, and how we overcome.”
Oprah’s insightful speech doesn’t offer tips for work and life so much as a reminder of how far we have come and how far we still have to go in reaching our peak, both as a society and as individuals. Let her message propel you over your biggest obstacles this week, safe in the knowledge that we are all in this together.
With all the chaos in the world, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and anxious. If you’re feeling stressed and disconnected, take a moment to read one of the interviews above with your morning coffee and let these words of inspiration wash over you.