Paternity is a term used to denote fatherhood, while DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is a genetic material inherited by a child from their father and mother. In determining the child’s biological father, a DNA paternity test is usually conducted.
DNA Paternity Test Accurate
Generally, DNA paternity test accuracy is high. It is possible to have a test showing a 99.9% accuracy whether a man is someone’s biological father.
Why Should I Consider DNA Paternity Tests?
Having paternity might help you in the following ways.
· In identifying a genetic condition link that may affect your health.
· To obtain lawful rights to your child custody, child support, inheritance, and Social Security benefits.
DNA Paternity Test Procedure
Generally, the following ways are accurate for paternity test:
Blood Tests
In this method, your doctor will take blood samples from both the child and potential father and then send them to a DNA analysis laboratory.
Cheek Swabs
This method requires the child and the potential dad to swab their cheeks from inside for buccal cells. For home swabbing, you have to mail the samples to a test center. However, if you visited a medical center for swabbing, your doctor will send the applicators for analysis.
The laboratory technician will run several tests known as DNA sequencing. The purpose of these tests is to trace any matches between the child and the potential father’s genetics. A match will confirm paternity.
Can I Determine Paternity During Pregnancy?
You can determine an unborn child’s paternity in three different techniques. Additionally, these tests give accurate results similar to after-birth tests. These three methods are:
1. Chorionic Villus Sampling
During this process, your doctor will get some placenta samples through the mother’s abdomen or cervix. The doctor will then send the sample to a lab for DNA analysis. Typically, Chorionic Villus Sampling is usually performed 10 – 13 weeks following the last menstrual period. However, it is important to note that this procedure pauses a slight pregnancy loss risk.
2. NIPP Test (noninvasive prenatal paternity)
The method involves fetal DNA analysis obtained from the mother’s blood during her first three months. The fetal DNA details are then compared to the cheek cell sample of the potential dad.
3. Amniocentesis
During this process, the specialist will take out a tiny bit of amniotic fluid. Generally, in this test, the doctor inserts a needle into the abdomen of the pregnant woman. A lab specialist will then compare the amniotic sample with potential father DNA. Amniocentesis is usually done within the 15th – 20th week. However, the test has a slight miscarriage risk.
Additionally, it is also possible to identify DNA matches using ancestry DNA; however, a paternity test is necessary to prove a child-father DNA match.
DNA Paternity Test Cost
It will cost you about $60 – $200 for a home-based DNA paternity test. It may cost you up to $500; this takes place in a medical center. Unfortunately, your health insurance may not cover paternity costs.
Test Results Duration
Some medical centers provide same-day results, although with an additional cost. Generally, the result waiting time usually vary based on the lab. It is important to account for the period it might take to deliver your sample for lab analysis. You can get your results within two days.
For quicker access, some DNA testing centers will have the results posted on a safe website. Usually, amniocentesis and CVS paternity tests can take longer to show the results.
Is your child’s paternity in question? Consider the DNA paternity test as it has your answers. Your doctor will help you determine the best method based on your situation. However, be sure to visit an accredited medical center.