The White House Prepares to Surrender on COVID – Opinion

A new report claims that the White House will surrender to COVID. What exactly the word “surrender” means in this context is up for some debate, but I’ve got some thoughts on the matter.

However, to get us there the Biden Administration is working on the groundwork for making the case that living with the coronavirus is possible. That’s in stark contrast to the lofty promises Joe Biden made during the 2020 election, namely, that he’d “shut down the virus.”

Is the government actually giving in to the virus? I wouldn’t say that because there was never any reality where we eradicated a virus that is clearly endemic and seasonal. “Winning” against COVID always looked like developing therapeutics that allowed humanity to coexist with it. And given the waning efficacy of the vaccines and the fact that they don’t stop infection, they are basically a type of therapeutic at this point.

The Biden administration has given up on the utopian notion that everyone will get vaccinated and that COVID would cease to be an issue. We’ve known for a long time that the vaccinated both spread the coronavirus and contract it. In light of that reality, the situation has now become so untenable that the White House simply can’t continue to pretend that their lies about the vaccines and transmission are true any longer. I’ve lost count of how many times Biden claimed in the past that if you got vaccinated, you wouldn’t get COVID. It is no longer a talking point, and it wasn’t factual.

Then there’s the political part of this. Biden spent the entire 2020 insisting that his plan was to stop COVID. Biden promised to end the virus and stop its spread. He also wanted us to prosper in a new age. Biden was elected almost entirely on the basis of his promises to a young public. He’s now broken them, and the president is left having to concede to his critics that they were right.

Many of those who’ve been saying it for two years now that the COVID epidemic must end and we need to let everyone live as normal. Because the virus will become seasonal, those who said that we should prioritize treatment and not vaccines were correct. Joe Biden was wrong, as were all of the COVID panickers who were so busy accusing people to have killed grandma rather than thinking rationally. All the people who accused Donald Trump of attempting to impose COVID by presuming that it was simple were false.

The whole administration has been a complete sham. They claimed they would bring heaven, but instead delivered death. They can blame everyone, and you should expect them to do so again. But no one should allow them to forget the terrible things they did here.

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