California Forces Publisher to ‘Alter the Meaning’ of Second Amendment in School Textbook, NRA Says
California pushed for a textbook annotation about the Second Amendment that gun rights advocates say
California pushed for a textbook annotation about the Second Amendment that gun rights advocates say
Proponents of gun control on social media expressed outrage after the National Rifle Association announced
A Texas man who used an AR-15 to confront and stop an active shooter in
The National Rifle Association quizzes members of the “Squad” on firearms and proposed regulations in
Beto O’Rourke, an advocate of mandatory gun buybacks, was on Thursday named the National Rifle
As a gun violence debate rages following several recent mass shootings, San Francisco’s board of
President Donald Trump said Friday he is making sure the NRA’s “strong views” on background
“We will never allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on your Second Amendment.” President Donald Trump
“What good are your thoughts & prayers when they don’t even keep the pews safe?”