Church is supposed to be on Sundays, but that didn’t stop Pastor Joe Scarborough and his right-hand man, host of Politics Nation “Reverend” Al Sharpton from preaching a passionate sermon on abortion on the Monday service of Morning Joe.
Scarborough, the self-proclaimed good ol’ Southern Baptist started his empowering sermon by expressing that Americans “need to understand the truth about what’s in the Bible and what’s not in the Bible.”
Sharpton was then invited to join the discussion. “Well Rev,” he started, “[abortion is] also not mentioned, as you know better than anybody, in the Bible. It’s not mentioned in the New Testament, it’s not mentioned in the Gospels, it’s not mentioned by Jesus. Not one time.”
Although the Biblical scholar has it right, abortion is not mentioned specifically in the Bible. But why wouldn’t? The act of ending another innocent life is not just mentioned in Natural Law itself, but within God’s commandments! There are also passages that honor life inside the womb.
He stained his soul again with the comment: “this has nothing to do with Jesus. This is political.”
But not even the “real” pastor could save this conversation. Sharpton replied, “real Christians that really study the Bible ought to be incensed. I’ve been a preacher since I was a little boy.”
He has been a preacher for that long but he still thinks that those on the side of all life have “hijacked the Bible and Jesus to distort and misquote, well it’s not even a misquote– create quotes that are not there to justify a right-wing kind of ideology that would take away the rights of women and then scheduled to take other people’s rights.”
And of course, former President Trump was brought into the conversation because the far left just cannot get enough of him. To those who supported him, Sharpton jeered: “well, look at what you got. What did you think would happen?” he angrily asked.
Continuing the useless rant: “You gave Trump three seats on the Supreme Court. You helped do this as much as that distorted Christian language, and we need to aggressively take both of you on and say step to the side and let folks that are clear-sighted and clear-minded save this country.”
“Folks that are clear-sighted and clear-minded” see that all life matters, Al. All life is valuable to God. It doesn’t mean that abortion should be allowed, especially since God loves every person He makes at all stages of their lives. In case these “pastors” didn’t know: abortion is shouldn’t even need to be in the Bible. It is a form of murder. This is wrong.
For all our sakes, Pastor Joe’s fraudulent license was given to him by the fraudsters. And tell the Reverend and friends to read the Good Book a few more times over before thinking that backing the murder of human beings in the womb is clarifying the “Christian language.”
Discover and Comcast enabled this instance of Christian heresy.
To view the complete transcript, click “expand”.
MSNBC’s Morning Joe
June 27, 2022
Eastern, 7:13:33JOE SCARBOROUGH: Well, and you know, Rev, they also, Democrats and Independents, and other people that are against this extremist vision of America and the phoniness of so-called Christian nationalists, they need to understand the truth about what’s in the Bible and what’s not in the Bible. It’s important because that’s been used on the right to justify this.
You know, it’s so fascinating that so-called conservatives have long said “oh, abortion, Roe needs to be overturned because abortion is never mentioned in the Constitution.”
Well Rev, it’s also not mentioned as you know better than anybody in the Bible. It’s not mentioned in the New Testament, it’s not mentioned in the Gospels, it’s not mentioned by Jesus. It has never been mentioned. Which is why my church, the Southern Baptist Church, was still pro-choice through the 1970s, said women should have the decision on their own and the centralized state shouldn’t step in and take that decision away from them.
This is a very recent development and that truth needs to get out. Because I think right now Democrats feel like they’re hamstrung by the fact that, “oh, we can’t talk about it because this has to do with the Christian faith.” No, it doesn’t, this has nothing to do with Jesus.
Let me say it again, this has nothing to do with Jesus. This is political, especially for Evangelicals, ’79, 1980 Catholics, it goes back to the 1930s. However, it is not a new development historically. And Democrats need to understand that and they need to be aggressive, they need to go after voters and need to get the truth out there.
REV. AL SHARPTON: Well not only do Democrats need to aggressively go out there, real Christians that really study the Bible ought to be incensed. I’ve been a preacher since I was a little boy. I am incensed and insulted they have hijacked the Bible and Jesus to distort and misquote, well it’s not even a misquote– create quotes that are not there to justify a right wing kind of ideology that would take away the rights of women and then scheduled to take other people’s rights.
And what is strange to me, Joe, they can see a scripture that is not there about abortion but they couldn’t see love your neighbor when it came down to putting things through that would help the poor and help the needy.
It was impossible for them to see it. They didn’t see Jesus healing the sick when we were dealing with affordable health care, the things in the Bible they missed and put things that were not in the Bible there, and many gullible and insecure Democrats who probably haven’t read the Bible themselves got nervous. If they would read the Bible and fight back, they would not be in this situation.
And to some of my friends in the Progressive side, and I consider myself a Progressive, when we were facing 2020 and 2016, and people were saying there’s not much difference between Hillary and Donald Trump where many of us said no, there’s a difference, some of what Clinton did when Bill Clinton was in the White House, but they’re better than Trump, we have to stop this. No, no, no, you’ve got to be out there or we should vote.
Take a look at what you have. Imagine what you thought would happen. You gave Trump three seats on the Supreme Court. You helped do this as much as that distorted Christian language, and we need to aggressively take both of you on and say step to the side and let folks that are clear sighted and clear minded save this country.