Recently MRCTV attended the annual March For Life in Washington, DC. If you’re new to the conservative movement – or a lefty who is too scared to expose yourself to the ideas of people who don’t think like you – you might not know that March for Life is the largest annual political protest of the horrific Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that made it legal to kill children via abortion.
Since the decision was made in 1973, almost 64 million unborn babies have been killed in the U.S. at the discretion of their mothers. To call this a tragedy is an understatement, and that’s why each year hundreds of thousands of people of all backgrounds march from the National Mall to the U.S. Supreme Court to denounce this genocide.
We know how passionate these pro-life Americans are, so our crew sought out counter-protesters at the event to hear folks attempt to defend the pro-abortion perspective. The pro-abort activists are often loud and disruptive, so it was not surprising that we would see many animated supporters of abortion harassing the prolife crowd.
This year, there were very few. Perhaps it was the bitter, late January cold, or perhaps – to quote one Antifa member we talked to – it’s the fact that the pro-choice side is “in a big f**king pickle.” Perhaps he realizes there’s no good way to defend abortion without looking insane and callous … and maybe even a little fascist.
The handful of anti-life protesters didn’t seem too confident in their side’s points. Half of them didn’t want to talk to us, one voiced the typical grievances about women losing their right to choose, and the Antifa member shockingly admitted to us on camera that abortion is linked to “eugenics and white supremacy.”
Hmm, it seems our so-called “anti-fascist” friend is familiar with the work of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger. Watch MRCTV’s latest video to see his shocking admission.
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