Democrats don’t like when facts are presented in opposition to their stories. That’s especially true when it comes to their sacred cow of “voter suppression.” You see, Republicans are terrible, election delegitimizing enemies of “democracy” if they suggest voter fraud should be eliminated. But the left has gotten used to claiming non-existent voter suppression, to the point of the president saying the 2022 election won’t be legitimate, without any pushback.
However, things are improving and Mitch McConnell highlighted an unfortunate truth on Thursday. His trouble earned him the label of a racist. Here’s what he said.
According to statistics, African American voters vote in the same number of elections as Americans.
—U.S. Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch— Ashton Pittman (@ashtonpittman) January 20, 2022
Dumpster fires like The Daily Beast and Axios rushed to proclaim that the Minority Leader was suggesting black voters aren’t “real” Americans, and no, I’m not going to link to their dumpster fire “analysis.” Rest assured, the response to McConnell’s comments has been as stupid as you’d expect.
This is a deliberate deflection. Yes, McConnell forgot to say the word “other” in making what was an objectively true statement. Yet, the press doesn’t want to talk about the substance because it’s very inconvenient for them. Why? It’s because black voters vote in America on the same level as white voters. The former even beat the latter in some elections. If “voter suppression” were a real thing, how would that be possible?
And no, it’s not logical to assume that black voters would otherwise vote at even higher numbers if not for this mythical “suppression” of their votes. They are more likely to vote than other groups. The fact that the voting rate is at parity shows that Democrat claims to voter suppression are totally bogus.
McConnell evidently meant to point out that. His statement had nothing to do with suggesting black people aren’t real Americans. That’s asinine to even suspect, and the only reason the press latched onto that was that they otherwise had no answer for what he was saying.
It is unnecessary for the United States to have a federal election overthrow. They certainly don’t need one that legalizes ballot harvesting, makes mass mail-in voting legal, outlaws voter ID, publicly funds campaigns, and makes it impossible to manage registration rolls properly. Mass voter suppression, which is altering the election results, is false. Additionally, such laws are merely intended to manipulate the 2022 election in favor of Democrats who know that they will be shellacked.
If the press cared at all about being honest, they’d be pointing out the inconsistencies that litter Democrat claims on elections. Instead, they are choosing to freak out over milquetoast Mitch McConnell not using the word “other.” It’s parodical.
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