ABC on Monday avoided the words “Joe Biden” while recounting one year of Taliban rule. Reporter Ian Pannell lamented how “sad,” “isolated” and “hungry” the country has become in the wake of the takeover, but never mentioned the President who presided over the collapse. NBC and CBS Didn’t do much better, saying Biden’s name just once on each story.
On ABC’s Good Morning AmericaIan Pannell, clearly upset by Afghanistan’s spiraling crisis expressed his sadness. Pannell explained the situation from his country. “One year after America’s withdrawal lapsed into chaos, one year since the Taliban’s victory, Afghanistan is isolated, sadder and hungrier than ever.”
Biden’s 32-second and two-minute segments were not mentioned. Pannell ended by trying to offer some “hope.” He suggested:
The country is very different from what it was 20 years ago. Even the Taliban is connected to the outside world via smart phones. The country is connected to the outside world and they can see what’s going on.True, broken promises can happen, but Robin is not a broken spirit.
From whom were broken promises made? Pannell didn’t say.
Over on NBC’s Today, Savannah Guthrie at least managed to name the President in office during the debacle: “We turn now to a new U.S. intelligence report on Al Qaeda’s presence in power in Afghanistan. Nearly one year ago, President Biden had declared America’s end to America’s longest war..”
Reporter Kelly Cobiella recounted the terrible shape the country is in: “Continue readinge year after the Taliban takeover, that country is in crisis with tens of millions unable to afford food. And women, once again, fighting for the right to work and education.”
On CBS Mornings, Biden’s name came up, barely. Here’s Imtiaz Tyab:
A year after the Taliban took over Afghanistan, the country is still in the grips what the U.N. calls the worst humanitarian crisis. The Biden administration frozen billions In assets from foreign donors and the central bank, large amounts were pulled in by the government. These funds once accounted for three quarters of the country’s annual budget.
He added, “For the Afghans we’ve been speaking to, today is a day of sadness, anger, and fear.” But the reporter noted the Taliban’s happiness:
Today is, however for Talibans, a day to celebrate as many people fill the square in central Kabul Just yards away from the U.S. Embassy, they wave flags and sing “God is great!” It’s happy to be back in charge of the country that it had ruled since 1996, right up until the invasion by the Allies that occurred after the September 11 attacks.
ABC reported that the Afghanistan tragedy was rediscovered by ABC on Tuesday, August 18th, and allowed Biden to speak for three seconds.
Progressive and Hyundai sponsored the Biden spin on ABC/CBS. You can click the links and let them know how you feel.
Below you will find a transcript from ABC as well as partial transcripts of CBS and NBC. Click “expand” to read more.
Good Morning America
7:14GIO BENITEZ: We’re going to turn now to Afghanistan. As the forces on ground mark one year under Taliban control, today marks this moment. Ian Pannell, the chief foreign correspondent, is currently in Kabul. Ian, good morning.
IAN PANEELL: Yes. Gio. That’s right. It’s been one year since then. One year later, we were there reporting on the fall of the government and panic at the withdrawal of U.S troops. One year later, they are still celebrating. These militants can be seen atop American-made helicopters. But for so many Afghans, there’s nothing to celebrate. This morning, America’s old enemy celebrating what they call independence day here on the streets of Kabul. One year has passed since militants took over the capital of Afghanistan and the entire country. This is the group America has spent twenty years fighting to eliminate. Today they’re celebrating America’s withdrawal and their assumption of power here.
The scene on the ground a stark contrast from a year ago as American forces withdrew, ending America’s longest war. Today, it’s Taliban soldiers patrolling the streets, many of them with U.S.-made weapons. But most Afghans aren’t on the streets celebrating. These Afghans are grieving for the loss of their jobs, wealth and any other place they hold dear. A small number of courageous Afghan women marched to demand bread and freedom this weekend. This is how the Taliban responded, firing into the airguns and beating some protesters. A Taliban spokesperson denied that women or girls were oppressed.
ABDUL QAHAR BAKHI: Women have their rights. Every society has its own interpretation of the rights of humans, including men, women and children.
PANNELL – But today’s image is to not remember the Taliban celebrating their victory, but children starving. Nearly 90 percent of Afghans are now starving. In the new Afghanistan, it is becoming increasingly difficult for the weakest and young to live in peace. One year after America’s withdrawal lapsed into chaos, one year since the Taliban’s victory, Afghanistan is isolated, sadder and hungrier than ever. Today, there’s hope in spite of this grim picture. Taliban women are defying on the streets, and girls go to secret schools. It is quite a different place than 20 years ago. Even the Taliban is connected to the outside world via smart phones. The country is connected to the outside world and they can see what’s going on. There are many broken promises but Robin is not a broken spirit.
CBS Mornings
8/15/2022IMTIAZ TYAB : Today is the anniversary of the Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan. This marks the end of over two decades worth of conflict. For the Afghans that we spoke to today, it is a day filled with sadness, anger and fear. America’s turbulent end
This chaotic scene captures the longest war.…
The Taliban celebrate today’s joy by filling the square in Kabul just yards from the U.S. Embassy. The Taliban is happy to have regained control over a country it had ruled since 1996, up to the invasion of the Allies in 2001.
TYAB – One year has passed since the Taliban overthrew Afghanistan’s government. Now, it is also in the grip of what the U.N. regards as the most serious humanitarian crisis. After the Biden administration confiscated billions from its central bank assets and international donors took large sums of money that was once three quarters of Afghanistan’s annual budget, the U.N. still considers this the greatest humanitarian crisis.
8/15/2022SAVANNAH GUTHRIE – We now turn to a U.S. intelligence update on Al Qaeda’s power in Afghanistan. This report comes almost one year after the President Biden announced that America had ended its longest war.
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