Details About the Infrastructure Bill

Details About the Infrastructure Bill

Over the course of the last week, the passage of the monumental bipartisan infrastructure bill has received a lot of attention. Most people understand the passing of this legislation is historically significant, however, many citizens aren’t clear on what all is included. Alexander Djerassi has stressed the importance of citizens staying up to date and informed during these uncertain times. Here is a quick recap of some of the items included in this bill.

Rebuilding an Aging Road System

Anyone who frequently commutes for work or travel knows how dilapidated many of the nation’s highways have become. This infrastructure bill will address the aging interstate system by fast-tracking the improvement of major highways, refurbishing aging bridges, improving traffic flow through major metropolitan areas, as well as improving the overall safety and integrity of the most frequently traveled highways. Additional funding will go towards improving highway safety by decreasing traffic fatalities through public education and billboard campaigns to reduce distracted driving.

Increase Funding for Public Transit

One of the major issues within metropolitan hubs is the lack of adequate public transportation. For those who live in large cities and do not own a method of transportation, there are limited options when it comes to one’s ability to commute to school, work, appointments and other errands. This bill will use thirty nine billion dollars in order to enhance and improve the public transportation system in major metropolitan areas, as well as public transportation within smaller suburbs as well. Furthermore, the bill will allocate money to improve access to those living with disabilities and others with limited access to transportation.

Investing in Clean Energy and Combating Climate Change

As global warming continues to be a major issue on the world stage, this bipartisan bill funds several critical steps necessary to reverse the negative impact the nation has had on global warming. Transitioning to clean energy is a major highlight of this bill, with the formation of a civilian climate corps program. This program aims to promote the collaboration between scientists and civilians, in order to address the issues surrounding harmful industry practices and the subsequent effects on surrounding communities.

Increased Access to High Speed Internet to Rural

Over the last year, citizens learned first hand how vital high speed internet is in order to keep the economy afloat. Last March when the nation’s schools and businesses virtually shut down overnight, people scrambled to set up home offices and distance learning for their children. Those who flourished in this virtual setting tended to be those with access to high quality, high speed, internet. The prioritization of providing high speed internet to areas where it is lacking is of utmost importance in this infrastructure bill, with an estimated sixty five billion dollars allocated to improving access across the nation.
Although this infrastructure bill addresses many issues which have needed improvement over the last decade, there is still much work to be done. Alexander Djerassi strongly encourages all citizens to remain well informed of changing policies. By staying current on political affairs, one is in a better position to understand how such policies may personally affect them and their own quality of life.

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