COVID’s Bad? Inflation’s Bad? CNN’s Brian Stelter Argues That’s ‘Feelings Over Facts’

CNN Reliable sourcesBrian Stelter opens every show with an opinion piece on media. He often obsesses about Trump even though he is in 2021. He was worried about the “metastory” of President Biden on Sunday. Stelter is also upset by Biden being unpopular in spite of a great economy and that Biden somehow has COVID under his control. Stelter said that some partisan outlets prefer feelings to facts.

Stelter will often bring on a panel of experts to talk about the topic of his commentary. Stelter describes Chris Arnade as someone who talks to everyday Americans on Sunday. Arnade believes the Democrats are “toast” in 2022. Arnade said bluntly that Biden’s life is not normal. Stelter responded bluntly, “This is counter-factual.” 

CHRIS ARNADE – People are furious. COVID still exists and is causing inflation. This is another reason why life has been ruined. You know what? Biden was elected in order to restore normalcy to the world, and it isn’t normal. It is that simple.. They then connect it to the president.

STELTER: The right. This is what I mean by feelings being more important than facts. People will often feel these feelings, even though the economic facts are in our favor. People who don’t see or feel it, don’t believe it.

Is it possible for him to claim Biden promised an ending of the pandemic when in fact, it hasn’t? The idea that “feelings are more important than facts” refers to the belief that people don’t know about the massive Democrat bill being passed by the media. Stelter was upset at the credit,The voters don’t recycle the talk points to the media and give Biden high approval ratings. 

CNN’s lack of self-awareness is evident in almost everything Stelter says. It’s as if CNN isn’t a news channel that mainly channels emotions, and hasn’t spent the Trump years channeling chaos and crises. What about the economy? In our book, we write: Unmasked,Trump set 31 Dow Jones records in his first year of office. In 2017, overall, the Dow Jones average grew more than 25 percent. These facts are routinely ignored by the network news. 

Brent Baker, our Brent Baker, captured Stelter’s spirit on Twitter.

Stelter doesn’t see any “crises.” Biden’s inability to get credit for the good things that are happening is the real crisis. Pro-Biden sources would make an “reliable source”. Media criticism and “news judgment” are all about the Democrats. Democrats should be doing well. Blame your feelings. 

STELTER – It doesn’t matter whether your packages are delivered on time or gas prices begin to fall, but if there is a constant stream of stories about people going wrong and things getting worse, you will feel overwhelmed. That’s because some political outlets value feelings more than facts.

The Fox banner sums up Biden’s life story. This banner says that quality of life has collapsed under Biden. Who says? Biden’s economic disaster and multiple crises (always plural) are other banners.

Biden says that his solutions work this weekend. This is his Twitter account stating that shipping containers are moving fast and goods are leaving ports quickly. He didn’t believe he sent this tweet, and it barely made the news. Fox will highlight a new crisis when that crisis has passed.

However, this doesn’t only concern the anti-Biden media. Some progressive press quarters are worried about whether the public is hearing anything about Democrats’ victories. They are wondering if they hear about passed bills and victory or if Joe and Jane Consumer only talk about Brandon.

It has been all about the poll numbers. The center-left group Third Way conducted a focus group and found that Virginians could not identify any Democratic accomplishments, except the defused passage of an infrastructure bill. Here’s the summary of the report. Biden is not changing anything or fixing anything.

Television newscasters cover every aspect of the Build back Better bill, as well as other stories. They are fighting for D.C. while we benefit. Do you think that is a right-wing story? Maybe. This certainly benefits the right-wing. It’s easier to make than to condemn. It’s easier to laugh than to make.

Citigroup and Mercedes-Benz presented this argument as partisan. 

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