Black Voters Throwing Biden Under the Bus in Increasing Numbers – Opinion

“If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black” ~ Joe Biden, May 22, 2020. Biden later apologized for the comment after causing a firestorm, saying “I shouldn’t have been such a wise guy,” but his meaning was crystal clear: If you’re Black, you You automatically vote Democrat

As recounted by Breitbart, Biden’s 2020 presidential primary campaign was sucking mud after finishing fifth in New Hampshire and fourth in Iowa, but Biden being Biden, he advised skeptics, including those who had already stuck a fork in him, to withhold judgment until a primary in a state with a large pool of Black voters, which he assured all doubters he would win. South Carolina will be the state.

Yes, the Black vote delivered, and Biden was victorious in South Carolina. It was history from there.

Biden was nominated and won the White House. (Miller gets thrown under the bus in the comments section in 3…2…1…) Now, one year later, the question is yuuge: How did Biden do in his first year as the occupant of the Oval Office? In particular, what did Biden do for Black voters?

First things first — all voters. We reported Sunday that 72 percent of Americans believe the United States is heading in the wrong direction after only one year under Biden’s policies. This is amazing.

Why it’s almost like Biden Try itIt could lead to a complete disaster in the country. Wait—

Biden’s approval ratings continue to freefall, swirling down the liberal toilet at least as fast as CNN’s ratings, prompting my colleague Jeff Charles on Friday to ask: Is Biden actually concerned about the midterms at all? 

What about Black voters? In a recent Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll, as reported by ABC News, just six in 10 Black Americans said they approved of Biden’s job performance, down significantly from about nine in 10 who approved in polls conducted through the first six months of Biden’s miserable presidency.

George Hart is a professor at Benedict College and a faculty advisor for the student NAACP chapter. He told ABC News that Biden had made him angry and disillusioned.

I’m perplexed. At some points, I’m angry. I’m trying to see if there is anything redeeming. I’m just so disillusioned, I don’t know what to say.

And why shouldn’t Hart — or any Black American — be angry and disillusioned by a Democrat president and his party? Beginning with Lyndon B. Johnson’s disastrous “War on Poverty” in 1964, according to The Heritage Foundation in 2014, U.S. taxpayers had at that point spent $22 One trillion on Johnson’s war. Adjusted for inflation, that’s three times the cost of all military wars since the American Revolution.

Heritage stated that America’s self-sufficiency improved significantly for the decade and a quarter before the War on Poverty. The Heritage report found that self-sufficiency had not improved in 45 years. Many groups had become less capable of self-support than when Johnson’s war started.

The culprit was — and remains — in part, as noted Heritage, the welfare system itself, which discourages work and penalizes marriage. Just seven percent were American children born without marriage when the War on Poverty started. As reported in 2010 by NBC News 72 percentBlack children are more likely to be born to single mothers than their white counterparts.

As I reported in early December, 12 U.S. cities blew away their annual murder records in 2021 with nearly a month to spare — and those 12 cities all have one thing in common: They are run by Democrats.

Black-on-black murder in the afore referenced cities and elsewhere continues to skyrocket, with no end in sight, yet what did we hear from multiple Democrat city governments in the aftermath of the George Floyd “peaceful protests”? The support for defunding the police insanity. How’d ThatAll work, Minneapolis to Los Angeles to New York City or beyond

And where was — and remains — Biden?

Rejecting “tough on crime” policies and pushing “sweeping, progressive criminal justice reform,” including minimum sentences for “nonviolent” crimes, ending the death penalty, abolishing private prisons, and eliminating cash bail, and [originally]A new grant program of $20 billion that will encourage states to cut their emissions Imprisonment.

Professor Hart, who supported Biden in the South Carolina primary, also became concerned about the usurper’s radical leftism from his first day in the White House.

Between the time he took office and the actual introduction of the law, he let so much go by. The ones who will be paying the penalties are African Americans and Black voters.

Dennis Brothers, a 31-year-old media specialist in South Carolina, told Breitbart he supported Biden “from the beginning,” but soon became frustrated by the president’s failure to honor his campaign promises.

It was a disappointing experience. Let’s hope some of the promises were kept. It is well-known that Rome wasn’t built in one day. [and] I’m not going to say he’s not trying, but I just wish he would try a little bit harder.

Travis Lincoln, who attended Biden’s first South Carolina rally in 2019 and even deejayed a later campaign event, began to see through Biden soon after he was inaugurated, according to Breitbart.

His campaign sold us on the idea that he was going to support some Black issues, and that’s not really happened. People in his camp thought it was the best thing for him. This was more political than any other strategy.

And Ra Shád Frazier-Gaines, who co-founded Amplify Action, a nonprofit that focuses on the political engagement of Black men, went bottom-line on Biden — bigly.

Black people are the reason Joe Biden is president, and I don’t feel … that there has been one time that he’s ever shown us a ‘thank you’ by way of policy. His administration gave many talented Black people the opportunity to hold different posts.

All of that is cute, but that’s not doing anything to put food on the tables of Black families across the country.

Bottom line:

Ironically, the above Biden supporters-turned-critics were willing victims — awakened though they appear to be — of the same strategy and tactics employed against Black voters by the Democrat Party for nearly 60 years, beginning with LBJ’s War on Poverty.

Election after election, decade after decade, Democrat politicians have exploited the ever-loving daylights out of Black America, promising this and pandering about that, only to fail to deliver — and in innumerable cases, It makes things even worseBlacks

Yet? Black voters have continued to overwhelmingly pull the “D” lever, no questions asked, no issues raised — and have dutifully been lied to and sold short every time. Even worse, perhaps, Democrats have masterfully convinced disillContact usioned Blacks that “while we might not have delivered everything we’ve promised, just think how worse off you’d be if you didn’t have us to protect you from the (racist) Republicans.”

Are Black voters still being voted in by the Democrat? Final wordsIs reality finally starting to take the place of fantasy? The Big Democrat Lie: Are Blacks like George Hart, Dennis Brothers, Travis Lincoln, and Ra Shád Frazier-Gaines simply outliers — or are they awakened indicators of a change long overdue in Black America?

We can only hope for the best. It’s not only for Black Americans. All Americans.

Biden spoke his truth best in 2020, even though he didn’t know what it was. It is really saying: “Sure, I’ve sucked among All votersIt’s when you can count on Black voters to carry me to victory, I’m gold.” The “Then you ain’t Black” mentality. Not only exploited by Joe Biden — but also exploited by the entire Democrat Party for six decades.

Yes, Joe Biden might very well be the hypocritical straw that broke the pandering Democrat camel’s back.

Let’s hope so.

RedState: More information

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