Network newscasts mostly avoided pro-lifers as pro-abortion extremists rioted against them in response to Roe vs. Wade being overturned by Supreme Court. They offered scant coverage and repeatedly insisted that the last several days have been “mostly” or “largely” peaceful.
The MRC analysts analyzed every newscast broadcast on ABC, CBS, and NBC from Friday evening (the day before the Supreme Court ruling), through Wednesday morning. They were able to discuss the many examples of pro-life organizations and individuals in 120 seconds.
These are some examples of violence that have occurred since Friday.
- Colorado’s Christian Crisis Pregnancy Center was burned and vandalized.
- In Lynchburg, Virginia, a pro-life center was broken into and spray painted with the following threat: “If abortion ain’t safe, you ain’t safe.”
- Pro-abortion protesters assaulted the Arizona Capitol on Friday night in what State Senate President Karen Fann described as a “thwarted insurrection.” Police fired tear gas into the crowd after they attempted to break into the building, which was in session at the time.
- Memphis, Tennessee – A pro-abortion activist attacked a life-affirming protester in front of an abortion clinic.
- The Vermont statehouse was broken into and spray painted on the steps was this message: “If abortions aren’t safe, you’re not either.”
- Someone set fire to the St. John Newman Catholic Church in Reston, Virginia. The graffiti contained a message about Supreme Court decisions.
How did networks react? You can read more about it here CBS MorningsThe CBS Evening NewsJournalists mentioned 26 second-long attacks on pro-lifers. The Today Show and NBC Nightly NewsThe coverage was extended by 26 seconds. ABC’s Good Morning America World News TonightAllowed 68 seconds This was just 120 seconds total for violence and intimidation in the country.
The reporters instead used a tired cliché to minimize violence: It was mostly peaceful. On Monday’s CBS Evening News, Jan Crawford insisted, “Largely peaceful, there were scattered acts of vandalism and another attack on an anti-abortion pregnancy center like this one in Virginia.”
On the same day’s CBS Mornings, she echoed, “Now, over the weekend the protests remained largely peaceful.”
The 27th of June Good Morning America, Rachel Scott parroted, “The protests were mostly peaceful.” On Sunday’s World News Tonight, Linsey Davis explained, “Most of the marches have remained peaceful.” But reporter Devin Dwyer showcased how this claim didn’t match by quickly mentioning two incidents of violence by abortion supporters:
Peaceful demonstrations for abortion rights were punctuated with isolated acts of violence and vandalism. At the Vermont statehouse, windows were smashed. Colorado: A Christian pregnancy center threatened to burn.
On Saturday’s NBC Nightly News, reporter Ali Vitali chose an odd example for her “largely peaceful” assertion: “The protesters largely peaceful, gatherings once again outside the Justices’ D.C. area homes, Friday.” Considering that, in early June, a man attempted to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh by traveling to his home with guns, this is hardly reassuring.
The attacks on Arizona State House received the greatest attention, with a mere 49 seconds of coverage. Monday’s TodayThe violence was allowed to continue for 15 seconds. Reporter Jesse Kirsch described the scene: “In Arizona, authorities say groups tried to break into the state Capitol with legislators still in session as state troopers deployed tear gas.”
Kelly Townsend, Arizona State Senator tweeted this descriptionOn Friday Night:
We are at the moment [here]Members of the public tried to break our security and took us hostage in the Senate Building. One of the member’s kids is crying and we can smell the tear gas.
Doesn’t sound “peaceful,” does it?
Below is Fox’s coverage of some attacks.
Last week, my NewsBusters colleague Bill D’Agostino and I explained how the networks were refusing to cover the pro-abortion terrorist group Jane’s Revenge. While violence and harassment are increasing all over the country, the networks have not been able to name the group. A radical mob is attacking pro-life Americans. It is the responsibility of journalists to document these acts and prevent someone from being killed.