5 Reasons Pregnant Women Should Visit a Chiropractor

5 Reasons Pregnant Women Should Visit a Chiropractor

While pregnancy can be a beautiful journey, it is not without its aches and pains. As you and your baby’s bodies change, the additional weight can be a lot for your back to carry. Although back pain and other ailments are common side effects of pregnancy, a chiropractor can alleviate some of these symptoms. Here are a few reasons you should consider visiting a chiropractor during your pregnancy.

Get a Hold of Your Bladder

For many women, one of the side effects of pregnancy is urinary incontinence. As the weight of the baby begins to press on your bladder, you might find it virtually impossible to hold your urine. With the help of a chiropractor, you can regain control by strengthening your pelvis, urinary sphincter and bladder muscles, so everything can work properly. Because incontinence is often caused by subluxations in the spine, a chiropractor can certainly help rectify this by restoring alignment.

Reduce Nausea and Vomiting

You might wonder how your back can possibly be connected to your morning sickness. However, your spine is not only responsible for helping you stand tall or bend over. Your spine is connected to your nervous system which can affect your hormones, and result in nausea when it is out of alignment. By undergoing sessions with a chiropractor, you can help to improve your digestive system which can also help with nausea, constipation and heartburn.

Make Delivery Much Easier

One of the reasons that many women have to get a caesarian is due to their pelvis not being aligned properly. This issue can make it difficult for the baby to make its way through the birth canal safely. By allowing a chiropractor to realign your pelvis, you can reduce the chances of having intrauterine constraint, and minimize complications. Although you can have a pelvic adjustment performed at any stage of pregnancy, when you have treatments consistently you can lower your risk of having complications.

Reduce Your Labor

When you listen to other women’s stories about child birth, you might have the impression that you’ll be in labor for days. While every woman’s body is different, you could be in labor for as long as 36 hours, or as little as 10 hours. If you want to have some say in how long you are in labor, a chiropractor can help to reduce this time significantly. As previously stated, getting a pelvic adjustment can make the birthing process so much easier when it comes to delivery as well as labor. Combined with other approaches, chiropractic care can help your nervous system interact with your body in such a way that it not only prepares for, but helps the birthing process as well.

Get Rid of Sciatic Pain

Carrying a human being inside of your body for nine months is bound to take its toll, and your sciatic nerve typically bears the brunt. As your baby grows, you might find that the pain in your lower back worsens making it difficult to walk, sit and even sleep comfortably. If you need relief but don’t want to take medication due to your being pregnant, a chiropractor can help tremendously. With a combination of various therapies such as stretches, adjustments and cold or hot treatments, you can reduce your pain significantly. Because everyone’s needs are different, your chiropractor will come up with a treatment plan that best suits your needs.

While there are many benefits to having chiropractic treatment while pregnant, your therapy doesn’t have to end when you give birth. Because your body goes through lots of hormonal changes during and even after pregnancy, maintaining your chiropractic treatments can help you readjust.

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