Your choice of college is perhaps one of the most critical choices you’ll ever make in life, so you must choose wisely. It would be hard to go wrong by choosing California, though. California isn’t just a popular destination for American students, either. People come to the Golden State from all over the world to further their education and with good reason. Here are some of the most noteworthy.
1. The schools are genuinely fantastic
The higher education system in California isn’t just good. It’s among the best in the entire United States, with numerous schools meeting academic standards to rival even world-famous Ivy League options like Yale, Harvard, Brown, Princeton, or Cornell. Some California schools even outrank comparable Ivy League schools in certain areas.
The schools in question aren’t prohibitively expensive private institutions, either. They’re public schools within the California State University system. That means students who enroll there are embarking on a world-class experience without the exorbitant price tags, making it a win from every angle. The community colleges and trade schools in California are fantastic, as well.
2. California is refreshingly diverse
There’s more than one aspect of the California college experience that will be enlightening. Your classes will no doubt teach you a lot, but so will the complexities of the culture. California is one of the most fabulously diverse states in the country, so you won’t just feel right at home regardless of where you come from. You’ll have the opportunity to mingle with people from many different backgrounds.
Interacting with people of differing cultures, races, religions, and ethnicities help you build emotional intelligence. It prepares you to succeed in a limitless variety of different places and settings, as well. Plus, it’s just plain fun to get to know different types of people.
3. The weather is gorgeous year-round
California is famous for its insanely beautiful weather, so it’s the perfect destination for students who long to escape cold winters and abysmally wet springs. This is especially the case for those headed to Southern California. Cities like Los Angeles or San Diego experience perfect, sunny weather about 80 percent of the time, regardless of the season, so there will be no shortage of beautiful days.
If you do get the urge to go skiing or play in the snow, there are spectacular mountain environments within easy driving distance. And if you do prefer your typical weather a little cooler, you can hit up Northern or Central California. Those areas are just as beautiful in all the right ways without it ever getting too hot.
4. You’ll never run out of things to do
California is a cultural mecca in every sense of the word, so there’s plenty to do and enjoy when you’re not busy studying. Are you a huge music buff? Attend incredibly famous music festivals like the super-famous Coachella Festival or the Joshua Tree Music Festival. Are stunning natural settings more your thing? California is full of forests and national parks that are ideal for hiking, camping, climbing, or photography.
You won’t run out of delicious things to eat, either. California cuisine is synonymous with concepts like flavor, freshness, quality, and good health, so it’s the best of every world. Eat your fill of some of the best sushi, Mexican cuisine, seafood, and fresh produce available anywhere in the world.
If you choose to make California your college location of choice, you’ll get so much more out of the experience than a stellar education and a bright future. You’ll fall madly in love with one of the world’s most incredible locations. Explore the possibilities today!